Give us a call at 403 726 9301

About Fresh Jock

Fresh Jock is Calgary’s premium sports equipment cleaners and sanitizers.

Using a special ozone process Fresh Jock expertly cleans equipment used in just about any sport, including hockey, lacrosse, football, baseball, wrestling. Helmets, shoulder and elbow pads, knee and shin pads, footwear, skates, gloves – almost any equipment used by athletes can be cleaned, disinfected & refreshed.

In order to make it easy to protect your loved ones from this potentially harmful bacteria we offer three convenient Drop Zone locations in the city.

Ozone destroys 99.9% of bacteria and viruses it comes in contact with – this includes odour causing bacteria and illness causing viruses, including staph infections!

Drop off at our Barker's Fine Dry Cleaning location in Douglas Glen!

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